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all about andie: andie anderson gets filled with king cobra

Andie Anderson is a gorgeous, sexy, stacked and beautifully built Hotwife who loves challenges and big, heavy cocks. So, when she heard the reports of King Cobra, the hung and heavy package he possesses and the way in which he uses and handles it in training Hotwives and Milfs, she knew she just had to see if it was everything it was said to be and if it was something she could handle. Let me tell you, she quickly found the answer to the first and warmed up to find the answer to the second. This sexy lady was definitely all in! With a body to die for, big ass and tits, and those sexy big beautiful blue eyes, she had The Cobra standing at attention from the moment The King stepped through the door! She took no time to drop to her knees to properly worship The Cobra before wrapping her big, beautiful tits around it to get titty fucked and then having her pussy drilled and filled by it. Her reward for being such a willing King Cobra slut was a huge load of thick creamy Cobra cum all over

  • 00:22:00
  • Jan 26, 2025
  • 64

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