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masked man gives her a real treat

Ms Paris comes home after a long day. She runs her a bath and strips down to get in. After a few she decides to masturbate and have an orgasm so she can relax. She also has a drink and drifts off to rest. A masked man has entered the room to watch and once she is settled, he goes over to poke her to insure she is out. The bottle she poured in her glass, he knows and it pleased it has worked. He gropes her pierced nipples tits, he rubs and fingers her pussy and even sucks on her nipples before getting serious with his hands and rubs and fingers till she has an orgasm. He slips off as she is coming around and if glad she has had such a wonderful relaxing orgasm. She gets out of the tub, dries off, puts on some lotion and her satin robe and goes to another room. The Masked man sneaks back in to retrieve his small bottle to use again another day.

  • 00:15:50
  • Jan 25, 2025
  • 4

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