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arad winwin fucks liam riley

Liam Riley is very horny... and he wants to get fucked. This is his ultimate fantasy: he s in a hotel room, he leaves the room, he sees a man in the elevator. He doesn t know if the man is gay or straight, but he likes the thought of being taken advantage. And Arad Winwin is just the kind of aggressive top this man very well maybe.
Room 717, ten minutes, Liam says, exiting the elevator. He leaves the door to his room unlatched. He hops in the shower filled with nerves at the pit of his stomach... just as the man walks in. He s unsure of his intentions, but it turns him on. They each jerk their cocks, giving each other a show -- the man watches Liam in the shower through a glass partition, his hard muscles flexing with each stroke of his girthy rod.
The man joins Liam in the shower without saying a word, pushes his head against the glass, kisses down his neck slowly, forces his eager lips around his cock. He pulls Liam back up and fucks him from behind, sets him on the rail,

  • 00:21:46
  • Jan 04, 2023
  • 119


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