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two empty balls get their holes fucked intensively by the anus lords

Determined to take revenge, Tiron (Jordan Fox) sets out in search of Walker (Mathieu Ferhati) whom he finds and transforms into a vampire. When he wakes up Walker finds himself in the den of his enemy who gives him his empty bastard balls (Greg Ken) while taking care of his side of Edward (Kevin Ass) that he has brought back with him. As the bastard licks Walker s feathers and then Walker s cock and big balls, Tiron takes care of his side of Edward ever hotter since his bite. Walker and Tiron will then do without their bastards to see which of the two is more bitchy and knows best how to take care of a cock. As the temperature rises and sexual appetites heighten, our two vampires set out to fuck Edward s ass in a mind-blowing ass session. The foursome will end their orgy of sex in an explosion of juice and groans to the delight of the empty bastard and Walker who will get watered like any good whore worthy of the name.

  • 00:19:55
  • Dec 18, 2022
  • 116


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