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st girl in school. Everybody gawked over her and the sexual energy she put into the room. She always wore the sluttiest clothes but never gave too much away. I mean she was an honor roll student and almost never got into trouble. She was truly perfect. She was the girl you laid your eyes on and couldn’t even process any dirty thought to do with her. One summer, she invited me over and talked about her life, fantasies, and desires. She was just so tired of being good and wanted to love her life a little. As she spoke with more passion, she began undressing, teasing, and describing all the nasty things she wanted to do. I couldn’t say anything, I was speechless. Finally, undressed, she played with her tight wet pussy, and told me how bad she wanted to feel me inside of her. She was so tiny and I couldn’t think of any less that aggressive. We took it inside and we fucked, I fucked like I never had before. Rough, shaking, and begging me to cum, I covered her face in it and left her a mess.

  • 00:33:04
  • Dec 18, 2022
  • 184


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