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scarlot rose mercilessly teases subs in chastity

Scarlot Rose has Marcus Quillan and Eryn Rose safely locked in chastity, with their keys on a chain around her neck. She revels in being the sole focus of her slaves attention, their needy eyes following her every move, at least when they are allowed to. While the submissives kneel obediently, naked except for a steel chastity belt and chastity cock cage, their mistress looks effortlessly glamorous in silk satin gown and strappy high heels. Scarlot seductively slips out of her robe and strips up close and personal, but of course her chaste toys are not allowed to touch, and sometimes not even allowed to look.
To ramp up the frustration further, the beautiful domme has Eryn suck Marcus s cock, still trapped in its chastity cage, so he can feel just a little of the flickers of its tongue. Scarlot reminds her toys that their genitals belong to her. As they ve been good, they are permitted to remove Scarlot s sandals and kiss and worship her feet, the only part of her they can ever ex

  • 00:15:39
  • Jan 27, 2025
  • 21

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