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london river is a cock tease - joi

You picked up a sexy blonde named London at the bar and she tells you now that you are home that she does not put out on the first date. She is really horny, though, and she wants you to show her your dick. You show her and she really likes what you have to offer. Can you make it hard for her? You stroke yourself and as you get hard, London rather regrets saying that she does not want to fuck you tonight. She offers to show you a little something and she unties her dress to expose her round titties. Soon her dress is on the floor. She keeps her thong and high heels on for you, but the thong does not stay on for long. London is getting more horny the longer you play with your cock. She tells you that the next time you see her you will fuck. Can you give her an impressive load like she wants?

  • 00:06:56
  • Jan 26, 2024
  • 97


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