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jacking off for a virgin (with lola vaughn) - joi

Lola is excited that tonight will be the night she loses her virginity to you. Her original plan was to save herself for marriage, but she has strong urges. She is conflicted because she knows that you have waited for so long. Maybe instead of losing her virginity, she could help you to cum tonight in a different way. As long as you get to cum, you are okay with her plan. She asks you to unzip your pants and to pull out your cock. Lola is very excited because she has never seen a dick before. Can you show her how you play with it? She wants to watch your technique. Lola unbuttons her sweater as she still watches you playing with yourself. Can you go a little faster? Do you want to see a little more of Lola? Her shyness is what attracted you to her in the first place, but seeing how curious and turned on she is right now is a total turn on to you. Lola pulls down her bra and you are excited to see her small tits. Would you like for her to masturbate while she watches you? You hear how w

  • 00:07:34
  • Jan 25, 2024
  • 80


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