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chloe foster - lying tennant breaks to the ring of truth

Chloe Foster has no chance of passing a check on her credit or rental history, but she can t keep couch surfing so, instead of an apartment complex she figures she can find some sucker that is renting out his private property. As soon as she meets the property owner she knows that if she plays it cool, flirts just the right amount and bats her big brown eyes she knows he ll believe all the lies she is going to feed him. Things don t work out as the little lier planned. She confesses everything and even when everything tells her she shouldn t, she believes everything the guy tells her. Chloe finds herself going along with everything the guy says because she is so desperate for a place to stay and believes him that this is her only chance not to end up on the street.

  • 00:37:14
  • Jan 20, 2025
  • 2

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