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alexander king fucks frankie v

Frankie V continues to be one of the most transcendent CockyBoys around. His delicate yet severe features -- everything from his inked out body to his alluring baby face to his enigmatic personality -- make him the very definition of versatile. So when he s around someone new, you can expect a fresh, unique, and sexy experience every time. You might call our newest CockyBoy, Alexander King, the very opposite of Frankie. And when they got together for the first time, the chemistry was off the charts. Alexander has a dark, muscular build, a thick uncut cock, and a very adventurous, dominating personality. Frankie was in town for the night and couldn t help but fantasize about Alexander after first locking eyes with him earlier in his hotel. That fantasy turned to reality when Alexander showed up in his room late, and the guys immediately locked lips. Frankie pulled out Alexander s cock and sucked him off first before falling back on his bed to let Alexander suck him off as well. After re

  • 00:24:01
  • Dec 17, 2022
  • 97


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