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alex mecum & wess russel raw

Alex Mecum welcomes new Exclusive Wess Russel for his first CockyBoys scene AND his porn debut! Alex & Wess bond over their similar backgrounds & share their personal coming out experiences. They follow this with affectionate embraces & kissing and heartfelt compliments of one another that lasts throughout their special scene. Alex is already hard but wants to spend more time kissing & touching each other s hard bodies and expressing mutual adoration. Even when Wess begins to suck him Alex simply wants the pleasure of feeling Wess on top of him.
Alex finally gives him the go-ahead to suck him and Wess takes the time to ask him how he likes it...and he delivers as Alex clearly shows. As they kiss Alex reaches around to caress Wess muscle butt and gently tease his hole. Wess eagerly takes off his shorts and soon he s feeding his cock to Alex s waiting mouth and face fucking him. In no time Wes moves down and slides down on Alex s steel hard cock to ride him and as the

  • 00:35:06
  • Dec 23, 2022
  • 132


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