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alex mecum & taylor reign

Taylor Reign just knew that if he and Alex Mecum got together they would have an amazing, passionate scene...and he s right! They ARE eager for this but they also want it to last. They make out slowly and sensuously and soon Taylor s mouth finds another long-anticipated target: Alex s sculpted hairy pecs and responsive nipples. This raises the level of Alex s desire and he lays Taylor back so he can slowly kiss his way down his smooth torso, pull off his pants and reveal a cock so hard that Taylor s jockstrap can t contain it. A subtly giddy Alex teases the head with his mouth but quickly takes it all out to enjoy its turgid goodness. While taking the time to deeply kiss Taylor and hump his crotch, Alex moves back between his legs and his rigid cock. Even in the throes of pleasure Taylor isn t the type to just lie back and enjoy the ride. He takes Alex s hand and sucks on his long manly fingers in anticipation of something more substantial. Alex pulls off his shorts and presents his ha

  • 00:32:55
  • Dec 23, 2022
  • 80


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