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adrian hart & zeke wood

Adrian Hart & Zeke Wood meet for the first time and in this episode, guest directed by Tayte Hanson, they find out they share being a power verse sex partner: easily flipping between dom top and power bottom..and anywhere in between. Zeke & Adrian are into each other from the start, sensually making out at length and getting naked with their sexy bodies entwine.
Zeke can t hold back anymore and goes down on Adrian s girthy cock. Zeke feasts on it and pleases Adrian who feeds him more and face-fucks him. And, knowing what Adrian wants, Zeke sits on his face for ass-eating while continuing to suck his big dick. Adrian enjoys Zeke s cock too while still eating his hole, prepping him for what s next. At one point Zeke sits up and makes his move sliding down on Adrian s cock and riding him
They quickly get in sync with an energetic give and take, finding positions to give each other pleasure. And after Zeke bounces up and down and grinds on Adrian s cock, they effortlessly fl

  • 00:19:33
  • Dec 16, 2022
  • 95


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