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adam ramzi fucks tayte hanson

Adam Ramzi & Tayte Hanson just can’t get enough of this beautiful summer weather. They are always outside, exploring the woods (and their bodies), and by the looks of it - having a blast! Actually, two blasts… of cum. But more on that later. As they guys sit on a rock and talk about how much they love connecting with one another outside it’s hard not to notice the twinkle in Adam’s eyes as he looks at Tayte probably thinking “I am about to fuck you so hard you’ll forget everything you’re saying right now”. Tayte of course is being his cute lovable self and unashamedly admits he absolutely loves having his butt hole fingered. A lot! And as we all know already, Adam is the king of fingering! (Did you see what he did to Carter Dane s hole using just his fingers? The boy like a canary for 20 mins while Adam was working on his hole! A true must-see!) After hanging around in the woods for a while they can’t hold it back anymore and start making out in the middle of nowhere, surr

  • 00:31:51
  • Dec 16, 2022
  • 86


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