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adam ramzi fucks carter dane

Adam Ramzi has been working in the adult industry for a few years now but it’s his first time at Cockyboys and who better to pair him up with than Carter Dane! The two are enjoying a beautiful summer day in the pool and they open up to each other (and Cockyboys’ camera) about why they got into the industry and what it’s done for them so far. Contrary to what most people think, Adam and Carter did not start making porn because they were broke or something went wrong in their lives. They got into it because to them doing porn is a journey of self-exploration and a way to express yourself. And the more they open up about how they feel the harder it gets for them to keep their hands off of each other and after talking for a while they both agree - they’ve done enough talking.
Adam can’t wait to start exploring Carter’s muscular body with his big cock which he shoves in Carter’s mouth the first chance he gets. These two are completely crazy for each other and it shows by how eagerly Cart

  • 00:41:59
  • Dec 16, 2022
  • 281


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