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a thing of beauty: the gift

The Gift is the third iteration of the A Thing of Beauty series. These short films have been a continuous exploration and tribute to the beauty within our lives -- whether it s poetry, music, nature, or the love between two men -- A Thing of Beauty explores the connections we have with the world and one another. While the previous two installments expressed sexual intimacy through poetry, music, and imagery, The Gift begins with an interview with Gabriel Clark in which he talks about the scar on his head and the near- experience that caused it. This episode evokes not just an appreciation for the things within our lives, but an appreciation for the gift of life itself. With Gabriel sharing a rare and vulnerable side to him, we re able to connect to him in a personal way that digs far deeper than just his amazing body and sexual prowess. Starring in this episode alongside Gabriel are Colby Keller and JD Phoenix. Gabriel and Colby together make incredible sexual partners, but with JD

  • 00:35:17
  • Dec 13, 2022
  • 90


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