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gotta love 18 year olds

Today while driving along we came across a girl who for the first time in a long time, actually seemed excited to talk to us. Between her bubbly personality, pretty face, and cute little body, we had a feeling this chick was gonna be perfect for our main mission, getting some pussy. She tells us she s 18, and we know what language 18 year olds speak, Money. We throw a couple hundred at her and then buy her underwear off her for 500. After getting her on the bus to take a ride with us, this out of town chick is horny and in need of some Miami dick. Luckily, she s on the right bus. She gives Johnny an amazing blowjob before he takes control and gives her the dick that pussy is oozing for. He fucks her in multiple positions before letting out a huge load all over her.

  • 00:59:42
  • Dec 05, 2022
  • 810


Pornbox Live Girls

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