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aylin tattoo and xanthia lombardi outdoor lesbian fun times

Aylin Tattoo and Xanthia Lombardi are regulars on the island of Tenerife. And of course they are part of those sex lover enthusiast, who regularly visit our set. And when they visit, they have some adult fun times...
No difference now - they are cutting the chase and gets right to the business of lesbian love making. And as usual, they take advantage of the awesome weather that the Canaries enjoy year round. Would you believe that this scene was shot in fall?!
Anyhow, these two hotties enjoy life there. Their tattooed bodies and big tits get licked on a regular basis. What s not to enjoy?! The great temperatures and the availability of dildos to use are just the added extras.
As per the actual scene - straight up dildo infused lesbian scene. Kissings, lickings, toy fucking. At the end some 69 and mutual fingerings are also happening. Both reach satisfaction and both leave with a feeling of good job done . These are professional fuckers you know!

  • 00:21:55
  • Dec 08, 2022
  • 280


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