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my stepmom keeps her horny urges in the family with me - blaten lee -

My stepmom is blatantly insatiable, she won t stop fucking other guys and I don t like it - unless it s with me... her step-son. One night we she was lonely & horny, she used me to satisfy her urges - and I feel it should stay that way. I feel she should keep her horny urges in the step-family. I catch Blaten as she is getting ready to go out with another guy again and I can tell she is not wearing panties. This would embarrass my step dad and destroy him if people ever found out that his wife was out whoring around on him, so I need to do something to stop her... So naturally I started fingering my stepmom s hairy pussy. She couldn t help but get all wet and distracted. Not only is her pulse now racing, but so is mine - and my cock starts to swell up and throb. My step-mom can t help herself as she pulls out my growing cock, smells it before she puts my meat in her mouth. Immediately she notices how much larger I am than my step dad, and she has no issues telling me - like a real

  • 00:15:33
  • Dec 02, 2022
  • 72


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