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my friend is very slutty and she spies on me while i masturbate and then asks me to penetrate her delicious pussy!

I go to my Friend room to ask her about the clothes she had washed the day before, but she was rest well , she had her huge tits out of her pajamas so I go a little closer to observe her, I pick up her panties, I smell them a little and I can t stand the urge to touch her huge tits, but while I try to see under her blanket she seems to be waking up and I leave the room before she discovers me ... I go to the room where I have my office and I can t forget her huge tits so I masturbate smelling my friend panties ... I thought my friend would still rest well , but instead she spies on me and realizes I have her panties while I masturbate ... That makes her horny since she had Hiding one of my boxers to masturbate at night ... She enters my semi-nude room and asks me to accompany her to her room, she tells me that she wants us to masturbate together ... We begin to masturbate but neither of us can resist and finish fucking you !!

  • 00:35:44
  • Dec 11, 2022
  • 279


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