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a thing of beauty: free to be me

Colby Keller, Gabriel Clark, and Dale Cooper share a chemistry with each other that perfectly illustrates one of these moments. They traverse a Mexican paradise as companions -- boating, swimming, discovering, and collecting memories in the same vein as Whitman. Their understood unity only becomes more powerful as it manifests itself sexually, exploding into a ravenous threesome back on the shore.
Colby and Dale s relationship is already wrought with real emotion and passion, but adding Gabriel to the mix brings that raw intensity to another level. At first, Colby and Gabriel took turns pounding Dale to their liking, but then Gabriel began fucking Colby while he was still inside Dale, and then the two finally double-penetrated Dale. Each moment is sexy in its own unique and glorious way, and not something you ll forget.

  • 00:32:43
  • Dec 08, 2022
  • 154


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