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a cockyboy is __________. featuring calvin banks & boomer banks

Flash forward to 2017, and Boomer has not only worked with some of the hottest designers in New York, but has just released a men s collection with co-designer (and CockyBoys collaborator) BCALLA. Modeling the collection for Boomer is his friend and young apprentice, Calvin Banks (the Haus of Banks!), who couldn t be more excited to show off Boomer s fresh take on a completely gender fluid menswear collection. Consisting of leather, zippers, and even skirts and dresses, this collection goes beyond the brink of cutting edge. In fact, some articles make the art of stripping more convenient, much to Calvin s chagrin. Boomer carefully fits Calvin in his collection before gently stripping him back down, getting a taste of his cock. As Calvin explains, he and Boomer have an electric chemistry despite their vast differences both in physical appearance and in personality. Calvin s spunky energy is the perfect match for Boomer s more subdued, thoughtful vibe—whether it s putting a through

  • 00:39:10
  • Dec 09, 2022
  • 119


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