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(lock)down but not out

In this feel-good erotic doc Tayte Hanson shows you how he copes in his own inimitably upbeat and forward-looking way during these days of staying home & staying safe. You ll see how he has elevated his level of self-pleasure AND a BIG bonus he offers up a beautifully hot encounter with Lucas Champagne from his exclusive site! Tayte shares his thoughts on life under at-home orders and exploring the universal need to give ourselves pleasure. But Tayte then shows you. He starts in a slow, sensual shower and runs his hands over his taut muscular body as foreplay. In time he smoothly moves to stroke his rigid cock, building up speed and intensity as he gets into position to give himself a facial! Tayte opens up about his self-filmed encounters with Lucas Champagne which preceded his Cocky Boys debut. Lucas innate desire to serve is illustrated by his hungry cocksucking and offering up his hole. Tayte proceeds to power fuck Lucas condom-free every which way he likes until he fucks a lo

  • 00:23:03
  • Dec 09, 2022
  • 175


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