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cum on face in hotel pool!

I was on holiday in Barcelona, in a hotel near the airport. And there was a great pool there! I was swimming in it in a tiny yellow bikini that barely covered my pussy)
I swam, dove, splashed and jumped in the water. My tits and pussy were constantly popping out from under my bikini and exciting the photographer.
There were people relaxing around the pool and looking at me with disapproval. But I was wearing a bikini! Well, what can you do if this bikini is so small?
Then I got out of the pool and lay down on the lounge chair...
Since there were people only on one side and they couldn t see me well on the lounge chair, I decided to masturbate)
I started massaging my clitoris and nipples, and cumming over and over again!
My boyfriend took out his dick and started masturbating while looking at me. I sucked his cock a little when people were looking the other way, but it was impossible to suck him properly!
Then he finished. and poured his sperm onto my face and int

  • 00:13:23
  • Jun 08, 2025
  • 0

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