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stroking my dick for my stepdaughter and her friend (with addie juniper and dakota charms) - joi

You spy your step daughter and her cute friend talking about how great you are and you invite yourself into the room. The friend does not notice you at first and you silently command your step daughter not to tell her friend you are in the room, but that does not last very long. Dakota notices you and both girls find that they are unable to resist reaching out to touch your fat dick. Addie and Dakota ask if you want to jack your dick off for them so that they can observe your technique. Now that they both are into older men, they want to be able to satisfy them properly and they feel they can learn from watching you. Addie tells you that her pussy is now wet and the girls quickly take off their t-shirts. You are now staring at two girls with small tits as you stroke yourself. Addie and Dakota are turned on by watching you and they decide to take off their shorts and panties to further inspire you. The sight of that alone is enough to urge a fat cum load from you and you cover the girls

  • 00:09:09
  • Nov 23, 2022
  • 86


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