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akemi in bondage, full body whipping and a tied blowjob

Akemi is tied to the bed with her arms and legs spread. She desperately tries to free herself from the bonds, but soon realizes that it is impossible to get out of there. M and F position themselves admiring the beautiful sight of Akemi s semi-nude body entirely at their disposal. Akemi will be punished with lashes on the chest, breasts, thighs and even the vagina. She s wearing a gag, which makes her moans beautifully muffled. In a second moment Akemi is tied with ropes in the position of roast chicken, and will continue being whipped until the moment when M decides that she must suck him. Then the gag is removed and M sticks the dick in Akemi s mouth, who sucks his penis for long minutes. When M gets tired, he gags her again and leaves her still tied up and full of doubts about when she can get out of there.

  • 00:22:17
  • Nov 21, 2022
  • 218


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