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foot cuckold treatment feat astrodomina

When I find out about all your fetishes, we re going to use them to dig into that perverted brain of yours.

Your shrink Sydney came over for your session today and you can t help but notice she s barefoot. She explains how she had a wardrobe malfunction and so she had to ditch her shoes. She tries to begin explaining what she wants to discuss but you can t help but lower your gaze towards her sexy feet. She asks you if you have a foot fetish.. she can tell, you re making it too obvious!

Of course, she s primarily here to help you work through your obsession with being a cuckold. You know, how you just can t help but get all turned hearing about women fucking and sucking other men? Well turns out she actually had quite a wild weekend and wants to test you to see if you re still turned on by this.

She begins describing how she met a super hot stud this last weekend.. how hot he was and how they went out on a hot date, soon started making out and ultimately ended up a

  • 00:11:42
  • Dec 16, 2024
  • 17

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