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innocent feet taste test feat astrodomina & viva athena

Athena seems to think her feet stink, I think I ll be the judge of that!

Sydney is just hanging out with Athena after coming home from school. The both had a rough day and are all worn out and tired. Sydney is complaining because she got in trouble for taking her shoes off in class. Those stupid teachers, she can t stand them! Athena asks if it s because they stink, and admits her own feet can get pretty stinky. Sydney doesn t believe her, so she has her take her shoes off and get a real smell test.

She takes it in deeply and admits she actually kinda has a thing for feet. Athena coyly says the same and wants to smell Sydney s feet too. She actually kinda likes their musty scent after being in her socks all day. But it s not too long before the socks come off because they want to go straight to the source. They take turns smelling each other s feet and describing what the scent is like, and it seems they re both getting a little turned on as well!

Now that they ve

  • 00:24:37
  • Dec 05, 2024
  • 68

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