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omg i’m running from your cobra!

When sexy BBW Amanda Thickk finally met King Cobra at the hotel bar during Exxxotica weekend, she knew she had to have him. Although they had chatted briefly online and discussed the possibility, they had never actually met in person. They had missed each other when he had visited Vegas, so when they found out that they would both be at Exxxotica, they knew it would be an opportunity for them to get together. Not really knowing what she was getting herself into, she slipped him her room key and invited him up to her room, but wasn t really sure if he would actually show. Well, he did and trust me when I tell you, neither was disappointed at what took place. She always wondered why they called him King Cobra, and she definitely learned the HARD way, finding herself running from The Cobra!

  • 00:32:42
  • Dec 26, 2024
  • 300

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