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sexy hitchhiker eva lexx got her first anal sex with a stranger who fucked her hard in the ass flx006

It is mid-afternoon, it is time for me to leave, having served all night for dinner at the corner of the rural village in which I live. I m annoyed by the boss who pinched my butt today and that fucking cook who laughed about it. I m leaving here in September for the city University.
I m tired, annoyed and most of all I have to walk home.
When I start walking on the side of the road, I stop, look at the boring long way home and think: To hell ! I have a better idea. My parents would be distressed, but now I am a grown woman and I can do what I want. I turn around and look again at where the cars are going in my direction. I start to raise my thumb and as a hitchhiker s sign. I see a lonely car stopping around the corner. Why not?
The car crosses the intersection and returns to where I stand. It was easy, I think, running to the passenger side window. The driver, a 25 or 30-year-old man, lowers the window. I bend over, put my sweaty hands on the windowsill and smile.

  • 00:50:24
  • Jul 27, 2021
  • 787


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