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among giants and men: the legend of nicoletta, the giantess who wore red shoes

Nicoletta was not a giantess like the others: she was tall, of course, but her height was just one of her many qualities. She had flowing hair the color of ripe wheat, hazel eyes like the spring sky in a forest, and skin as smooth and pink as the petals of a peach blossom.
But her real peculiarity were her shoes. Nicoletta loved shoes, and she owned them in every type and color. But her favorites were a pair of red high-heeled shoes, which highlighted her long legs and her elegant gait. Nicoletta Dafne wore those shoes, she felt confident, beautiful and powerful.
One day, while walking with her red shoes, Dafne heard a desperate cry. She followed the sound and found a little man with a broken leg.
What will happen to that little man.
Will our giantess be merciful?

Nicoletta non era una gigantessa come le altre: era alta, certo, ma la sua altezza era solo uno dei suoi tanti pregi. Aveva una chioma fluente color del grano maturo, occhi nocciola come il cielo di primav

  • 00:19:41
  • Nov 10, 2024
  • 53

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