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scratch your back, rub my cock 4k

I am lounging on the couch early in the morning when my stepsis comes sneaking in the front door after spending the ENTIRE night out! I ask her where she s been, what she s been doing, and with whom... My stepsis doesn t want to tell me, so I want to tell on her to our stepparents, but she begs me not to. She ll do ANYTHING to keep from getting in trouble with our stepparents, and I come up with a solution - I ll scratch her back, if she ll rub MY COCK. My stepsis agrees, since she knows she s between a rock and a hard place, and she lies down with her feet in the air to stroke my already-hard cock. She notices me looking at her feet, and switches over from stroking with her hands to stroking with her feet. My stepsis is HOT with her feet on my cock, and she even turns around so I can look at her ass while she gets me closer to cumming. She lies on her back with her feet up so she can jerk me with her feet until I cum all over her big tits and face. I GUESS I won t need to tell our ste

  • 00:12:45
  • Nov 09, 2024
  • 66

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