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emily dick and sin

What s up people? It s Preston Parker AKA P-Double coming at ya once again with another hot girl willing to get the cock for cash. But before we found her, we drove around and stopped at a local college and we spoke to this fine girl, but nothing happened. Later, we spoke to these two girls who looked like chongas; they were cool at first, but they didn t want to get naked so they had to get the fuck out. Then we tried to get these other 3 girls in the bus; they were willing to take cash but they didn t want to hop in the bus. So we kept on driving around until we stopped to watch a group of breakdancers. Yo! Shaggy started breaking dancing; Shagmeister has skills! Anyway, we found this girl Emily, and it didn t take much to convince her to get in the bus to get her pussy drilled nasty style. After getting fucked, she took a huge load on her face. But don t take my word for it, check it out for yourself. -Preston

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 20, 2009
  • 173


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