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sarah and suchell break the cuban embargo

So this week we met up with Sarah Vandella. Actually she looked us up. She heard about what we re doing and wanted in on some of the CAN HE SCORE action! She wanted us to hook her up on a hot steamy date. Let me just say if you ve ever seen Sarah, then you know she is stacked! Awesome tits, Fat ass that you just want to manhandle and play with all day. She s got a beautiful pussy the kind you can lick clean and have your lunch on. We hooked her up with a little bit of the Latin heat. Suchell is a Cuban immigrant with the weirdest name ever. I mean, it sounds like he got his name from a menu at the seafood restaurant (but thats just me). Well anyway, he s big and muscular and has a thick Cuban accent that he claims, drives the women wild. That why we knew this would be a perfect match. But thats not for us to decide it s all up to Seashell (or what ever his name is) to man up, and take the reins. That way, like every week, we ll find out, can he score?

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 30, 2009
  • 269


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