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starvin artist

Yo! Preston here, back at it again. We were rolling down the mean streets of the artsy design district when we saw this cute little thing sitting on a bench. As all of you know, that s the cue for me to do what i do best! So I approach the cutie and she s really shy and weird and artsy but we get to talking and she starts opening up a little bit more. At this point she is really cool but guess what...she is BROKE!! Like the saying goes, she s a starving artist so I offer to give her a shout on the Espanol Channel. All she has to do is come with us and help with us finish the interview. She was more than willing to come with us but all she ask was for us to drop her off at home and isn t that what we always do? LOL. Anywho, she comes with us and let me tell you guys that this girl isn t as shy as I first thought! Oh! And yeah, Shaggy, man, this guy never stops shocking me! Wait till you guys see what he did to himself. This update is full of surprises. Stay tuned!!!

  • 01:25:39
  • Dec 08, 2009
  • 286


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