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ivy winters and mr. mutton chops

This week we have the very beautiful Ivy Winters here. She s only 19 and relatively new to the porn industry. Ivy loves to have sex with boys and with girls thats why she decided to turn it into a career. But since she travels a lot and sees a lot of different cocks and vaginas she wanted something that could be a little stable for when Ivy is home and has nothing to do. So we asked her to come on our show and that we would find her a man who can fit that bill. Thats when we found Avery Hill he s a small town Electrician who has the biggest pair of mutton chop we ve seen since 70 s porn. Well he wanted to meet a beautiful girl since according to him all the home town babes look like they got hit in the face by the ugly bard door. A pornstarlette and a Regular joe were set out on a mission to go on a date and to hit it off. Because we want to see CAN HE SCORE?!

  • 00:45:27
  • Jul 15, 2010
  • 271


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