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*porn$tar* jenna presley saves the day!!

do we have an update that you guys will never FORGET LOL imn this weeks update were out doing our thing and we run into this couple over at the mall buying some thing but as i realize that guy she s with is just one these friend-zone types of dudes and you can see how much he liked the what the hell i went ahead and threwt the guy a bone and offered both of them to come with is for the exchange of some cash!! so they come and man was i in a roll i even got the girl to put out for the guy and GUESS WHAT the dumbass gets a guilty conscience after all the work i put into getting him some man i had to let them go..they even kept the money!?!?!? so i was in salvage Mode and i had to pull out the big guns to save the day. and in comes Jenna Presley to rescue us all lol...we told her the scoop and she was down for the cause!! we went on the hunt once again for 2 guys for this hot mamacita and we found them and hell they were more than willing to guys WATCH this update its one for the ages.!!

  • 01:44:10
  • Aug 31, 2010
  • 446


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