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On this weeks bangbus update were bringing the homie tony back up In this MF and this guy is hungry for some ass I mean I cant blame him Its been a while since I ve had him on the bus. So were out and we spot a couple of honeys but of course they walk away because of this big ass camera but there was one chick who was really cool and the homie was digging so I threw some cash her way for an interview and she was down as long as we dropped her off by her car so easy pickins, Once on the bus she was cool she told us her taste in music and her and tony had a lot in common then we got a little bit more aggressive with the conversation asking about all the naughty things she likes to do so I had to throw more money her way for her to get down with the sickness if you guys know what I mean lol and she was right there with and the lucky reciepient of all my hardwork (tony) slayed that ass all over the bus. I hope you guys enjoyed this update I sure did,Stay Tuned!

  • 01:05:33
  • Nov 29, 2011
  • 240


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