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hot milf on bangbus

I have the perfect X-mas gift for you guys and yes you all are going LOVE IT! On to the details once again the homie tony will be with us on this fine afternoon and oh our sexy driver for today no not mike nor jorge this driver has a set of tits on her and loves to show them off but out of nowhere we spot this business woman walking around brickell I m guessing she was in lunch so what the hell I gave it a shot and I pleased to find out that she was a lawyer and I m not talking any old lawyer but an Immigration lawyer so she definately caught our attention with that information but i was on a roll with her already and I went for it and it worked so I m guessing that this pretty lawyer has a bit of a wild side on her. Once on the bus we start talking and she is a bit rude and aggressive for my taste but the homie tony was all into her and she wasn t backing down one bit and it was on from there.

  • 00:51:18
  • Dec 27, 2011
  • 1162


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