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hot sorority pledge tricked into a body transfer success

Sorority Pledge Kaiia is trying her best to make it into the actual sorority, but the pledges fucked up the couches at the house. Kaiia is surfing the web for a quick solution when she stumbles upon a site called couch save-her . Kaiia is fooled by the false advertising and purchases, and instantly, Kaiia is gone... a cock hungry man has overtaken Kaiia s body, and he wants to see just how hot she is going out to the club. Kaiia fights to come back, but the spell encoded to the site is just too powerful, and Mr. Couch Save-Her is able to dress up Kaiia s hot, tattooed, soft, and voluptuous body. Kaiia comes in and out and is so confused at what is happening. As she leaves, and you come back, you are fondling Kaiia s big tits and ass, trying on tiny slutty little clothes, and fixing yourself up before you hit the town with your tight and hot little blonde body.

  • 00:13:44
  • Nov 16, 2024
  • 29

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