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olivia: a monster cock exit

This week I got sad news for all you Bangbros fans out there. Our favorite girl Olivia O lovely is leaving us forever. She s had a blast but its over ; she had a few goals she wanted before she went off into the sunset. She said she fucked a monster. She said she wanted to conquer Ramon, because it would make a good story when remembering the glory years of porn. She was a little surprised despite the stories she had already heard about him. His girth was thicker than what she had imagined. Olivia had an extra surprise, a nice young 18 yr. woman fresh to the porn industry who wanted her first ride to be the best ride from Olivia s tongue. She was excited and pleased at the same time. She got the best of both worlds a massive cock to play with a pussy to lick. Don t miss out on this beautiful farewell party you should sign-up and sign in, you don t want to be left out of this great occasion. Farewell Olivia we ll miss you.=*(

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 07, 2008
  • 621


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