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the english tart bright red booty spanking for being late

The English Tart a redhead MILF with small perky tits who is all dress up with stockings, behavior is unacceptable! She knows the rules but never follows them, and now it s time to teach her a lesson. She stands before her disciplinarian, trembling with anticipation. With every swat of his hand across her creamy skin, her sexy body flinches. After 30 spankings, the once fair complexion of her booty becomes scarlet red and hot to the touch. Will this Tart learn her lesson this time?

Tags: Blake Blaze Studios, BBS, The English Tart, MILF, redhead, red head, ginger, small tits, little boobs, natural breast, natural boobs, perky tits, stockings, domination, humiliation, fantasy punishment, hand spanking, bare butt spanking, m/f spanking, spanking, spanking fetish, spanking fantasy, bent over spanking, stripped naked, plot oriented, otk (over the knee) spanking, couples, husband, ex-girlfriend

  • 00:14:31
  • Nov 08, 2024
  • 23

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