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poppin a cherry

Everynow and then we here at (being me brandi and my two trusted crewman) like to give back to the community. I understand that there are those of you out there who ...whats the word...who have never had sex. I know this because i have had many emails from guys who for one reason or another are still virgins even into their adulthood. Just here is one of those guys im talking about. He has sent me many emails asking for my help. Finally (and after seeing a picture of him) ive decided to come to his rescue. This shoot tells the story of his struggle to lose his virginity and finally his triumph in concurring all his fears and doubts that he would forever be a virgin. I am proud to say that i have cured him of this ailment. Im not going to lie it wasnt easy for him and for a while we had some rough treadin and i wasnt sure he was gunna be able to pull it off. But with my aid i mean come could a guy not blow a load with me. I dont mean to be concede

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 03, 2007
  • 146


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