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casting of a blond teeny babe

A traditionnal movie productor is looking for a cuty for the leading role in his next movie. He as invited a pretty beginner at his home to cast her, hopping he could shag her at the same time, even if she looks a little shy. But she arrives dressed like a bitch !! Mini skirt, fishnet stocking and she is wiggling her little ass. They directly go upstairs to the bed room, he touchs her ass under her skirt while rising and she docilely consents ! Then she goes straight on laying onto the bed and shows her so cute pink pussy... It seems she knows how things work ;o) and she is very talented.... she blows him deeply and then offers her pink pussy... the asshole gonna smash in her cunt ... he profits as most as he can !! ugly pervert !! and she even lets him cuming in her mouth .... she really wants the role... and she will probably have it, she knows arguing

  • 00:20:40
  • Sep 12, 2022
  • 173


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