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two birds, one bone.

Preston has to be the luckiest son of a bitch this side of the Miami river. In this glorious episode we find Preston interviewing two girls instead of one when he s asked to film two Facial Festivals in a row. Preston being the conservative that he is decides to kill two birds with one stone and blends 2 episodes in to one. One tall glass of water from Iowa and a hot femenina from Miami makes a great double episode in my book! What makes this one so special is that neither girl has ever been with another woman before..... YES!!!! Latina meets Mid West America. Need I say more??!!? Well I will. Both of these girls have fantastic bodies, shapely tits and skills taking a fresh volcanic load to the face. A word of advice before watching this episode... wear protective glasses and WATCH THE HAIR!!!! Enjoy.

  • 00:00:00
  • May 25, 2009
  • 356


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