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alyssa branch gets fucked hard!!

Alyssa Branch is a dolle faced, Russian hottie looking for a great time. She once told us how much she loved Hispanic men and that when she would get fucked by one her favorite part was when they spoke to her in Spanish. We invited Aly to come chill with us for a while and we promised her some Culionero love. It didn t take long before Ms. Branch was feeling a little horny and started showing off the goods and she s got the goods. Now one may assume when we say the goods that it must be the tits, and a fine pair she s got, but we re talking about her perfect ass. She loves to show it off and we got a full on view of that pretty bum as well as her other wonderful assets.

  • 00:28:30
  • May 13, 2013
  • 220


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