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all wrapped up

Pledges in saran wrap, bobbing for dildos, and jalapeno blow jobs, that sounds like some serious hazing, the type of hazing winners do. that s why this weeks winners took the cake! The brothers meticulously wrapped their pledges up they also humiliate them by tea and making them squeal like pigs. and just left them out in the middle of campus as classes let out and everyone began to walk by. later they gave these would be frat boys a quick quiz on the history and motto s of their dear fraternity. a wrong answer resulted in drinking extremely sweet kool-aid. after the pledges had to bob for dildos while naked and in a tub of kool-aid water. but the evening highlight was the jalapeno blow jobs. The pledges had to rub jalapeno s on each others cocks and the only thing that would save them from the burn was a mouth full of milk.

  • 00:29:33
  • Dec 21, 2011
  • 256


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