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easter bunny fever

I ve always had a thing for playboy bunnies.The whole thing about girls showing off their gorgeous bodies in bunny suits really gets me hard.So, anyways I was walking around Lincoln Rd. when I see fucking Ramon in a big ass bunny suit walking around all smooth with an easter basket in his hands like he s John Travolta in fucking Saturday Night Fever.I couldn t help but laughing, I told him Don t you know that easter passed already man. Ramon, didn t give a fuck because he had three hot ass babes dressed in bunny suits at his friend s house,and the best part is that they were down for anything, and when I say down for anything, I mean there was some nasty girl on girl, anal action going down. Sarah Vandella, Kira, and Raquel were getting their freak on,and when they saw Ramon,they started fighting over the cock.Luckily his boy Sergio came by and gave these cock hungry girls some extra dick.I guess Easter brought out the freaks in them,because there was some crazy orgy action going on, and I was loving it.

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 06, 2008
  • 375


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