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loud fucking milf

This week we got ourselfs a hot asian MILF that came all the way from cali...but before I tell you about her, I have a quick question: Have you ever fucked a girl so hard that you have her screaming at the top of her lungs? Me neither, but my boy Jarrod just fucked this weeks MILF so hard that the neighbore came over to complain. Her name is Kitty and she got herself some nice big tits. She told me that she wanted to break-in Jarod (He is new), but all the breaking was being done by him. He tore up that pussy six ways till Sunday. And to thank her for her good work...he gave her some of his gooey glue all over her face. So sit back and enjoy...and make sure to lower the volume...cause it gets really fucking loud.

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 06, 2006
  • 264


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