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hot milf relieves her step son s stress with her mouth - ophelia kaan

My perky tit step mom Ophelia Kaan stormed into my room after I yelled at my game. I could not stop getting annoyed at it when I lost and it was stupid she was bothering me. She was my step dads new monthly girlfriend anyways. I didn’t even want to look at her and told her to leave me alone. She told me to relax and she would help me calm down. I asked her how but all she did was weirdly rub my leg. I told her to get off and she backed off a bit. She continued talking and telling me she was glad I was back home from college. I just rolled my eyes as she told me she knew a lot of ways she could help. She wouldn’t tell me but she said she could show me. To my surprise, she pulled my cock out and started stroking it. I thought she was crazy but she told me to “shhh” and wrapped her mouth around it. She sucked my throbbing cock until I came all over her face.

  • 00:20:56
  • Oct 25, 2024
  • 35

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